Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space. - Douglas Adams


Talk Like a Pirate Day!

"The only rules that really matter are these: 'What a man can do.' and 'What a man can't do.' - Captain Jack Sparrow

Those lily livered codswallops in high sec might be talking the talk today, but I wonder if any of them will be scratching the itch to walk the walk?

Today being the revered holiday it is, I'll take the opportunity to spotlight some of my favorite pirate things.


Quick Tip - Two For One

Today's Quick Tip is a two for one special. I recently looked into some of the EVE podcasts available and one in particular stood out to me. The "Ransoms and Roams" podcast, hosted by  Marc Scaurus, Tek Avellos and Professor Terror, is tailored for the scoundrels and swashbuckers of New Eden. The following tip comes from episode four, which is a perfect jumping on point for new and aspiring pirates.

As a pirate roaming thru low sec, you might come across a system with a few too many people in local chat. A quick way to see who might be working together is to pick a few names and add their corporations to your contact list. Now, a quick scroll thru the local chat list will show if those corporations have any more members roaming in the system.


Jump Clones, Get Yours Today!

Like many aspects of EVE Online, jump clones have their share of mystery and confusion. It is helpful to understand that there are three types of clones in EVE: your current clone, a medical clone, and jump clones.


Quick Tip - Wormholes

Unstable wormholes are not majestic natural wonders, they are ship eating maelstroms of death!  Don't jump into a wormhole without a plan of escape.


Shortly after my initiation into the Black Rebel Rifter Club, still feeling the hangover and shame of an embarrassing display at the Autocannon, I found myself burning along after Kaeda Maxwell with three bogies in pursuit. "Try and stay close, Pepper!" I gave the throttle a quick jab even though I knew I was already at max impulse, better safe than sorry with three snarling hunters in your wake.


Grabbing The Bull By The Horns

I threw open the door to the Autocannon, the stench of cheap booze and cheaper cigars instantly smacked me in the face. With a quick glance from side to side, I sized up the joint and sauntered over to the bar.  Just then the scruffiest looking nerf herder I had ever seen just happened to pass out, abdicating his stool. As I slid onto the empty chair, catching the eye of the barkeep, I hollered out, "Hey Mac, I'll have a martini - painfully dry!"


Quick Tip #6

You can enable time stamps in the chat window by right-clicking on the text in chat. The option to enable time stamps only shows when you right click on what has been said, not on any of the member's names in chat.


Phaser Inc Makes History

Today EVE News 24 first broke the story on an historic achievement by the two man corporation Phaser Inc, who successfully brought to a close the most lucrative ponzi scheme in EVE history. The estimated payoff? One trillion ISK, over $50,000 US dollars when converted to PLEX.

Quick Tip #5

You do not need skills to use rigs on your ships, you only need skills to fit rigs. You can have someone else fit a rig for you if you lack the skill to fit it yourself.


Quick Tip #4

Safe Spots are location bookmarks you create in the remote places of a system to warp to later when you are in a pinch or to hide secure containers. Safe spots can also be created far off of stargates or stations to preview if an area is safe to enter. To create a random spot deep in space takes only a few easy steps. When you warp between two locations you can bookmark a location in space as you warp through. After you create the first bookmark in this manner warp to a new location in a different direction from your bookmark. While you are warping to this new location create another bookmark. Now warp back to your first bookmark. From your first bookmark warp to your second bookmark this time bookmarking a new location en route. This third bookmark will be a very remote safe spot. The best safe spots are at least 15au from any celestial bodies.