Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space. - Douglas Adams



Shortly after my initiation into the Black Rebel Rifter Club, still feeling the hangover and shame of an embarrassing display at the Autocannon, I found myself burning along after Kaeda Maxwell with three bogies in pursuit. "Try and stay close, Pepper!" I gave the throttle a quick jab even though I knew I was already at max impulse, better safe than sorry with three snarling hunters in your wake.

When I looked back to the overview display, three cruisers had warped in to join their pack. "Damn!" I thought to myself, "Six bogies? Time to get the frak out of here!"

"Well Kaeda, now what?" I asked, trying not to sound as nervous as I felt.

"Let's see if we can get one of them separated from the pack, align to that customs office and keep burning!" Kaeda said, clearly more confident than I was. Just then another ship appeared on the overview, then another, and so on until there were at least ten very unfriendly pilots burning along in our wake, licking their chops and drooling at the idea of popping two Black Rebels.

The new participants in the race were a few battlecruisers and in little time the frigates were way out in front and separate from the heavier hitters. There were still four of them against the two of us and if we turned around to engage we would not have long til the rest of the pack were on top us.

Kaeda's voice scratched out from the radio, "Alright, this isn't looking good, lets call it a night and head back."

My first roam as a Rebel did not result in a killmail, but it was far from boring.  An overview full of red targets burning along behind you really gets the engine running. I am excited about future possibilities and I am confident that my choice to leave everything behind and come join the Rebels will payoff.


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