Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space. - Douglas Adams


The Very Flexible User Interface

One of my favorite things about EVE is how configurable the interface is. I am the kind of geek that will spend hours working on the perfect composition of aesthetics and usability.

By far one of the most useful features of the interface is the ability to stack windows together. I like to have my character screen and my skill queue share the same window. Just open both windows and drag one on top of the other, when the base window is highlighted you can drop the other window onto it. Now you will have tabs at the top of the window used to go back and forth without cluttering the screen.

The Neocom (sidebar) is an important tool when playing EVE and it has a few configuration options as well. First, the arrows next to your character portrait can be clicked to shrink the bar, removing any text and showing only icons. Right clicking on an empty space on the Neocom will present you with a few options. The Neocom can be set to autohide, disappearing completely until you touch the side of the screen. You can also choose to put the Neocom on the left or right side of the screen. You can further configure the icons on the Neocom by grouping the market, fitting, militia, and science & industry icons all into one service menu. Finally there is the option of combining the browser, calculator, jukebox, log, and notepad under one icon called accessories.

There is a very useful option for info windows under the options menu. You can change the info windows to open separately instead of replacing each other when opened. This can be done manually by shift clicking the info icon as well. Multiple info windows open makes comparing items so much easier.

Many of the windows that you will use in EVE have their own configuration options. For example, in the item hanger window, by right clicking you can add or remove columns that show certain info like category, which makes it easy to sort thru your items. Most of the windows allow you to add or remove columns in this fashion.

The overview is very configurable, allowing for multiple tabs (5 max), each with separate filters. By right clicking on an existing tab you can add or delete tabs, change labels, or load saved filters. There are some default filters that are included that are very helpful; however, I would suggest creating a tab that shows only stargates which is very useful for navigating long treks thru high security space. Left clicking the small icon in front of the word Overview opens the options menu for managing the filter for the currently selected tab. You can also edit the columns on the Overview, choosing to show or hide the ones you prefer.

Finally there is the General Settings tab under the options menu. Here you can apply a color theme to your interface or change the size and spacing of the in game text.

With all of the flexibility the EVE interface provides, it is easy to find the right configuration for what ever you might be doing.


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