Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space. - Douglas Adams


Electronic Warfare in a Nutshell

Electronic warfare allows you to interfere with another ship's sensors, targeting system, or propulsion system. The basic modules that affect targeting are called remote sensor dampeners, tracking disruptors, target jammers, and target painters. These modules affect your opponent's ability to target, or in the case of target painters, your ability to target your opponent. Also categorized as electronic warfare are tackling modules called webifiers and warp jammers, these modules effect your opponent's propulsion.

Target painters are mid slot modules that when activated increase your chances of hitting the target. These modules have no counter measures and  have no direct affect on your opponent.

Webifiers are mid slot "tackling" modules that reduce a target's speed by 50-60%. By slowing the target these modules effectivly share the same benefits of a target painter, however webifiers are more effective. The benefits of the target painter are its range, and its ability to stack on top of webbing effects without penalty.

Other tackling modules are called warp jammers. One such jammer is the mid slot warp disruptor. This long range jammer will prevent the target from warping to saftey as long as you have the capacitor to power the jammer and the target is in range. The other warp jammer is called a warp scrambler. The mid slot scrambler is much shorter range than the disruptor but twice as potent, and has the added benefit of disabling a target's micro warp drive if they are using one, instantly reducing their speed. Potentcy refers to how many counter modules an opponent will require to negate the effects of the jammer. The counter modules for warp jammers are called warp core stabilizers. A warp scrambler requires to two stabilizers to negate it's effects where a warp disruptor requires only one stabilizer.

Remote sensor dampeners are mid slot modules that lower an opponent's max targeting range and slows the ability to get a target lock by lowering the target ship's scanner resolution. Sensor dampeners have optional ammo called scripts: one script removes  the scan resolution reduction while doubling the targeting range reduction, and another that removes the targeting range reduction while doubling the scanner resolution reduction. Counter measures exist in the form of sensor boosters and signal amplifiers, boosters being more effective than amplifiers, the result of  using capacitor.

Tracking disruptors reduce an opponent's optimal weapon's range, weapon's fall-off range, or their weapon's tracking ability. Like sensor dampeners, tracking disruptors can use optional scripts to increase one specific benefit at the cost of the others. Tracking computers counter disruptors by increasing the optimal range and tracking ability of the ship's turrets.

Target jammers, also called ECM's (Electronic Counter Measures), jam an opponent's targetting system, rendering them unable to target anything for 20 seconds. Each race's ships have a sensor type. There are target jammers for each specific race as well as generic all purpose jammers that work to a lesser degree for all the races. ECCM and sensor backup arrays both increase the sensor strength of a ship, which lowers the chance of a jam. ECCM is more effective, but uses capacitor, as opposed to sensor backup arrays. Each ship also has a base sensor strength, typically the bigger the ship, the stronger the sensors.

In addition to these modules there are also drones which supply the same effects and rigs which either boost or counter these effects. Some ships also exist with bonuses to these effects.


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