Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space. - Douglas Adams


Phaser Inc Makes History

Today EVE News 24 first broke the story on an historic achievement by the two man corporation Phaser Inc, who successfully brought to a close the most lucrative ponzi scheme in EVE history. The estimated payoff? One trillion ISK, over $50,000 US dollars when converted to PLEX.

Phaser Inc, has explained on their website the motivation behind the scheme:
We wanted to play the game, and beat it in a different way than with PVP. And, there's another reason. Contrary what we made people believe, we are actual PVP players on other accounts. We have been in the game for a while and have our share of killmails (since 2004.) We now wanted to beat the game in another area.
Phaser Inc, was also kind enough to disclose some of their accounting as well.
ISK invested in Phaser Inc. : 1.831.672.334.372,65 ISK
ISK withdrawn from Phaser Inc. : 452.724.496.124,17 ISK
Sum of weekly Interest paid : 345.176.303.826,13 ISK
Total ISK available at present: 1.033.771.534.422,35 ISK
I will leave you with Phaser Inc's parting words...


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